Gone Away ~ The journal of Clive Allen in America

A Very Parfit Knight 2
(to start from the beginning of this story, click here)
Part Two

The next day, back in the Assignment Room, Sir Gawain stood silently while the Geek read his report on the previous day's work. The knight had not said anything about the note he had found and the Stack 17 incident was buried in a mass of other small hitches and glitches encountered. It was a normal day's report with nothing out of the ordinary.

Sir Gawain had decided that, for the moment, he would keep the strange occurrence to himself. He knew the Boss would want to wipe everything and reload it all, just to be on the safe side. And, even though the knight was re-created every time this happened, he was sure that the Geek was leaving out bits of his memory that were considered no longer relevant to his task. There had been occasions just lately when the knight had come across things that he had no recollection of; nothing important, just odd bits here and there. But it was distressing to the knight to feel there were things he did not know. This was his domain, his realm, and he wanted to know it completely, every bit and every byte. How else was he to fulfill his function to the utmost?

"What was the problem in Stack 17, Gawain?"

The Geek was still reading the report and the question seemed innocent enough. Sir Gawain shrugged. "Nothing much, just a few wayward bytes got into a mess. The database re-routed itself around that area until I'd fixed it."

"Cause?" The Geek glanced up at the knight.

"No record," replied Sir Gawain nonchalantly. "Might have been a leftover from that major crash in Unit 3 the other day. Although I thought I'd traced all of that."

"Hmm, okay," said the Geek. He finished reading and settled back into his chair. "Well, nothing's up today so far. You might as well get on with some housework."

"As your Majesty commands," replied the knight, bending into an ostentatious and highly sarcastic bow. "I live but to serve."

"Jeez, Gawain, sometimes you can be a real pain in the butt. Get outa here before I recompile you."

Sir Gawain left and headed straight for the Crawler Room. He was eager to see if they had managed to find anything yet. Reprogramming them all had taken most of his spare time the day before but it was worth it. If there was anything unusual happening anywhere, those little beasties would find it long before the knight could.

In the Crawler Room, he found that the last few were filing their reports. The room was teeming with crawlers, all circling with nothing to do, but the knight ignored them in his eagerness to get at their information. He raced through the reports, looking for the red flag that would indicate that something was not as expected. But there was nothing. Not one of them had found even a byte out of place.

As he finished the last report, however, he noticed that one was missing. One of the crawlers had not returned as yet. Sir Gawain queried the database.

A49B. No report.


HO24, modules 2,415 through 3,891.

Sir Gawain lifted an eyebrow. HO24? That was deep stuff, right near the kernel. What the hell was keeping that crawler? If there was something going on down there, the knight needed to know about it immediately, before it caused major damage.

At that moment the call went off. Assignment Room. Sir Gawain to the Assignment Room.

"Oh crap, not now," muttered the knight, but he headed for the exit and began threading his way through the tunnels to answer the call.

When Sir Gawain arrived, the Geek was not slouching in his chair but sitting forward, obviously impatient for the knight's appearance. He began without preamble:

"All right, Gawain, what's going on?"

"Sorry, Boss. Don't know what you mean." Sir Gawain assumed his usual position and prepared for a grilling.

"Don't give me that. I know something's up. I just had another problem like we had with Stack 17 yesterday. Nothing serious but I can't get in to see what's happening. Too much of a coincidence, two in a row like that. I think you know more than you're saying."

Sir Gawain shifted uneasily. "What makes you think that, Boss? I put the report in yesterday."

"Hah, I'm not stupid, Gawain. You said nothing about the girl to me this morning. You always have a go at me about the girl in the mornings. There's something going on and I know it. Let's have it."

The knight sighed. "It's nothing, Boss. It just looked to me as though something was causing that thing in Stack 17. I'm working on it right now. Had the crawlers out yesterday and I'm going through the info. I'll soon get to the bottom of it."

"Causing it? You mean a virus?"

"No, no, nothing like that. There's an anomaly somewhere that we haven't picked up yet and it's throwing out these errors every now and then. Won't take long to find it."

"You sure? I can always reload, you know."

"Not necessary, Boss. I'll find it today sometime."

The Geek relaxed back into his chair. "Well, okay then, Gawain. But don't keep things from me in future. I need to know."

Sir Gawain saluted and snapped his heels. "Right, Boss. Sorry, just didn't want to bother you with it."

"Okay." The Geek passed him the latest printout. "It's in Stack 5. Get that sorted out then find that anomaly."

Sir Gawain left quickly and made his way to the stack. The problem was the same as yesterday's, a little bigger this time. He reached in for the note.

What's taking you so long? I have your crawler, by the way. Signed, The Masked Avenger.

(to go directly to Part 3, click here)


Hey! A great start to the day...can't wait to see how this turns out...
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
Wow, that was quick, Jodie! I only put this up a couple of minutes ago. :)
Date Added: 23/02/2005

The poor crawler. Maybe they'll make him into a walker.
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
LOL Rusty. "Send us your bank details or the crawler gets it." :D
Date Added: 23/02/2005

That cad! He snuck up on me unfairly, he did. (may your comments be short, and you're responses few; hurry to finish; oh, what will he do?)
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
What can I do, my hands are tied?
I think I'm along just for the ride...
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Askance, he asks; fain I say But friend, can it be but this fair way? To ponder and sit, stare and sweat Twist, turn, and yes, yes, fret?
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone, you were my first stop today. Serendipity. :)
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Harvey Young
I am enjoying this story. I like the daily dose, sort of like a show that has you glued to the screen, wait a minute, I am glued to the screen!

What about the girl? And now, we have the crawler to worry about. I am also wondering what species the Masked Avenger will be. I am assuming that he/she is of a higher level than a crawler. Is this a rogue knight?
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
Ahah, Harvey, questions, questions. Have no fear, all will be revealed in time! :D
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Harvey, that sounds downright painful.
Date Added: 23/02/2005

ahhh the thlot pickens, and having pickens pickens again! Has anyone set up a 'Free the Crawler' pressure group yet?
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
Give us a chance - we haven't had the ransom note yet!
Date Added: 23/02/2005

7 suicides in the Bible. The only one I remember is Judas.
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
Hmmm I think Saul did it as well. Ask Ned - she'll know them all. LOL
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Judas, Saul, Samson and some would count Jesus. That is all I know from my own memory but a nice website provided the names Abimelech, Zimri and Ahitopel.


Now for the blog at hand: I am on the edge of my seat. Please finish this soon as I have very bad balance.
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Hmm. We could all write our own endings. (ducks and runs)
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Harvey Young
LOL - Jodie you are right it really does hurt!
Date Added: 23/02/2005

Gone Away
Sorry folks; called away for a bit there. Looks as though you've been entertaining yourselves anyway. :D

Thanks for supplying that info, Ned. And for the kind comment. I'm working on it but can warn everyone that there'll be more than three parts, so don't hold your breath. ;)

The French Lieutenant's Woman had alternative endings, so that's been done, Way. Wouldn't want me to be copying, would ya? ;)
Date Added: 24/02/2005

The french Lieutenants woman.....ugh i studied that at A level & hated every minute of it......
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Gone Away
No accounting for taste, Keef... ;)
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Our own endings? What is this, Mad Libs?

Leave the man be -- I love serial thrillers.
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Gone Away
Getting close to the end of Part 3. Everyone who wants it this evening, raise your hands.
Date Added: 24/02/2005

::raises hand:: Sheister.
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Can't. Busy raising kids.

Say, the French had not only a lieutenant, but a woman as well? I must get out more.
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Gone Away
Should be less than hour. Nearly there.
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Geeks are cool
Date Added: 24/02/2005

Gone Away
Yup, geeks are cool, couldn't agree more, Piggy.
Date Added: 24/02/2005

I'm perching on the edge of my chair, but unlike the Nedperson, I won't fall off (hopefully).
Damn! Nevermind about not falling off. Excuse me while I dust my tail-feathers.
Date Added: 25/02/2005

Gone Away
LOL Hannah. Moral of the story: When reading, sit back comfortably! ;)
Date Added: 25/02/2005

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