Gone Away ~ The journal of Clive Allen in America

A Tribute to Hereunder
I am not in the habit of recommending other sites, not through any desire to avoid competition, but more through the sheer hassle of having to insert the HTML tags to a link. There is one blog, however, that is so excellent that I am forced to applaud it in these pages. It's name is Hereunder and I would particularly recommend the work of its most prolific contributor, Remainderman.

Having said that, I must point out that a document was recently forwarded to me that may give us pause for thought. This document, a torn and dirtied fragment discovered drifting in the wind near a Los Angeles garbage dump, purports to be a report on the group Hereunder, produced for the information of an unnamed investigatory meeting. Understand, the authenticity of the document is not established and it may well be nothing more than a crude hoax.

I give the full transcript below:

'Interim Report on Progress of the Hereunder Investigation

Per Agent (name removed by Security Division)

A preliminary examination of known facts has given rise to the following, based entirely upon the codenames assumed by the adherents to the conspiracy:

Blue Clinkers

For those who may not know the meaning of the word "clinker", I give below a definition culled from the pages of Dictionary.com:

Clinker: "The incombustible residue, fused into an irregular lump, that remains after the combustion of coal.
A partially vitrified brick or a mass of bricks fused together.
An extremely hard burned brick.
Vitrified matter expelled by a volcano.
1. A sour note in a musical performance: hit a clinker.
2. A mistake; a blunder.
3. Something of inferior quality; a conspicuous failure: a clinker of a show."

I would draw your attention to the slang meanings especially. Clearly this is a word intended to denigrate and debase. And let us not forget that it is used in conjunction with the color blue. If we note that this color is commonly used to mean the opposite of red, it becomes clear that the entire name is intended to indicate an antagonism to all that is blue, to whit, the West, as opposed to the once communist-dominated Eastern bloc, the red.

Remember too that the name is in the plural: Clinkers. This would indicate that the one named is the leader of the band since his very name defines the whole crew. It is no accident that his name appears at the head of the list.

Full Cost Serf

Again, for the sake of accuracy, I have recourse to Dictionary.com:

Serf: "1. A member of the lowest feudal class, attached to the land owned by a lord and required to perform labor in return for certain legal or customary rights.
2. An agricultural laborer under various similar systems, especially in 18th- and 19th-century Russia and eastern Europe.
3. A person in bondage or servitude."

Note the clear reference to Russia and Eastern Europe in the definition. This is an open statement that the owner of the name is proud to belong to that class of people so often lauded in the mythology of communism. And the fact that he is "full cost" shows that he intends to make us pay for whatever wrongs he imagines the West to have dealt him in the past.


Almost laughably simple, this one. It is merely a straightforward anagram of the statement, "Man Remain Red". One senses the pride in the thinly disguised assertion that he, at least, will not be turned from his chosen ideology.


Palinurus was Aeneas' helmsman. Aeneas visited him in the Underworld where he promised to give Palinurus a proper burial. Here is a veiled statement that our modern Palinurus has received a promise of fitting interment. Burial of what? That is revealed if we consider the sound of the name:

"Pally New Russ".

Could there be a clearer statement that the owner of the name intends to bury the friendly New Russia that so offends him?

This investigation is continuing.'


ha ha! I'm first :D
Date Added: 30/01/2005

Gone Away
Well done, Hannah. :) Did you see my reply to your comment on the American Idols 4 blog?
Date Added: 30/01/2005

I applaud you and thank you for uncovering a most heinous plot. I now see your voluminous comments on the blog were nothing but an artifice, a clever ruse to draw more information out of the most talkative of the group. Initially, upon reading Hereunder I had thought, these brainiacs are just too far above me, towering intellects that reduced my simple mind to mush. Now of course, I see it all so clearly - it was all in code. Phewww!!!
Date Added: 30/01/2005

Gone Away
Ah, good Ned, now we see the cleverness of the whole scheme. The insertion of "Tetherball Deniers" was a brilliant ruse to put us off the scent - to make us think that the group was in fact opposed to the sinister "Yuri". Now we see that the reverse was true, that it was all a cunning double-blind.

I am thinking of putting our man in Hoohooville in charge of this investigation. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Date Added: 30/01/2005

I have long suspected and have now confirmed that Hoohooville is actually the code word for a secluded and top-secret band of renegade FBI agents who are dedicated to the agenda and methods of the late, great J. Edgar Hoover. The perfect man for the job. His affable Way is the perfect cover, a brilliant recommendation.
Date Added: 30/01/2005

Gone Away
Indeed so; as usual, your clear insight and understanding has penetrated to the heart of the matter. I would mention, too, that his other cover name, Harry, was chosen in honor of Harry Lime, that other, more renowned yet no more illustrious, Third Man...
Date Added: 30/01/2005

yes, I did
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Gone Away
Date Added: 31/01/2005

TOP SECRET - ENCRYPTED Gone Away-- Thank you for drawing out your commentators with this post. (BTW, Brilliantly conceived and,in parts, preposterously hilarious.) This has allowed us to trackback their ISP numbers and add them to our global surveillance network. We have completed brief profiles and determined that they are all threats to "Plan 9" and not all is as it seems: e.g., "Ned" is not really Ned (you know, our old chum at Exeter?) P.S. I thought we had "addressed" the Harry issue (though, I could almost picture him riding on the Ferris wheel in Vienna). END MESSAGE
Date Added: 31/01/2005

The Chameleon
Poste Restante
Bistro Provencale
Rue l'Envers de Juin

Dear R

I am writing on behalf of Gone Away, who has indeed "gone away" and is at present indisposed.

Subterfuge has a way of backfiring, my friend, and playing the double agent often ends in a double indemnity having to be paid. Your missive has been intercepted and our agents instructed to go immediately to code red, which includes, of course, the exchange of their identities with others not previously used.

Why do I bother to inform you of this? Simply to tantalize you, dear friend; to let you know that, although some remain tethered, yet all will attend the ball. The end approaches.


The Chameleon (whose true colors now show through)
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Have you ever wandered onto your own site on a monday morning and wondered if, maybe, you'd got the address wrong and it was actually a Le Carré tribute site?
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Gone Away
Hmmmm, can't say I have, Mad. But it's not a bad idea... :D
Date Added: 31/01/2005

The whole lot of you are totally sane!
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Gone Away
.oO(Sane? Surely that's a typo...)
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Forget the king. God help us all. (Whoa...new font! I am seriflessly impressed)
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Gone Away
Our man in Hoohooville is back!
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Whatever you do, don't involve Mad -- he may become Upset, and I'm already Dizzy with aliases.
Date Added: 31/01/2005

Gone Away
It's really quite simple Remainderman. Let me explain. Way is also Harry although some people call him Stranger. Ned is Ned-I-came-I-saw-I-made-coffee and Blogging Ned and several others. Hannah is the Owl and sometimes Eggbert. And, of course, Mad is not an alias at all but my son's nickname, coined by the fact that his given name is Matthew. Then he's also known as the Bubaker and Bubs and I won't even begin to mention Boogie and the Pootle or Flame Lily or Cluether or.....
Date Added: 31/01/2005

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